The Nystagmus
Book Guide Manual

A concise, accessible 2024 guide for adults with nystagmus and parents of affected children. Covers all you need to know, from current research to daily management.

Things we’ve covered in this Book

Causes of Nystagmus

An exploration of the various factors and conditions that can lead to the development of nystagmus.

Types of Nystagmus
A comprehensive overview of the different forms and classifications of nystagmus.
Nystagmus & Sight
An examination of how nystagmus affects vision and overall visual perception.
Treatment & Therapy
An overview of all current treatments and therapies for nystagmus.
Managing Nystagmus
Practical strategies and techniques for coping with nystagmus in daily life.
Where to get better help

Recommendations for the best places to seek help and assistance with nystagmus.

Nystagmus can significantly impact daily life, causing frustration and limiting opportunities. Patients may face challenges with reading, driving, and social interactions, often feeling hindered by current treatment options. Dr. Larsen’s book offers a beacon of hope, providing valuable insights and guidance for those living with nystagmus, empowering them to lead more fulfilling lives.

The author

Dr. Astrid Larsen, a Danish ophthalmologist and independent researcher based in Copenhagen, has devoted over 20 years to studying nystagmus. Her innovative work combines scientific rigor with deep empathy for patients, leading to significant breakthroughs in symptom management. A respected expert in the field, Dr. Larsen is currently conducting research to advance a promising new nystagmus therapy project, further demonstrating her commitment to improving the lives of those affected by this complex eye condition.

One book, All the answers!

Dr. Astrid

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The Nystagmus Book


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Hear from the families who have experienced the transformative impact of Dr. Larsen’s care.

We are so grateful for Dr. Larsen. Her care has made a tremendous difference in our family's life. Our child used to struggle with reading and writing, but after following Dr. Larsen's recommendations, their academic performance has improved significantly. We are so thankful for the positive impact he has had on our child's future.


I am 33 years old with Congenital Nystagmus, so I have been to over a hundred doctors. As a child, my mom and dad took me to the best doctors at that time. All of them told my parents that my vision was wobbly like my eyes (false) and that I would never drive a car (false). When I was 16, I went to Dr Larsen who told me she had some luck with improving vision in patients with Nystagmus using contact lenses, which were only available in the hard lense back then. It worked for me! She was able to get my vison corrected to 20/40! And i have been driving ever since.


Thanks to Dr. Larsen, our child is no longer afraid to read aloud in class.


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